Viele von uns, jedenfalls jene Fotografen wie ich, die zwei latent schiefe Augen haben oder die über keine Ausrüstung mit Wasserwage verfügen, kennen das Problem: ein relativ gutes Foto geschossen, doch leider ist der Horizont hoffnungslos schief. Ich habe nach einer einfachen Lösung gesucht, um dieses Problem zu behaben und den Horizont mit wenig Aufwand zu begradigen. Den besten Tipp habe ich auf dieser Seite gefunden und werde es kurz anhand eines Beispiels demonstrieren. Hier geht's weiter... » // Read more... »

Inspired by a co-worker and good friend of mine (, I set up a photoblog last night. It’s base system is I installed a theme, various addons and reconfigured some PHP and HTML files to make it fit my needs.

This photoblog “photo art” is now accessible via or even – it makes nearly no difference 🙂

Hopefully, I will manage it to upload a few more pictures and even more hopefully, I will take more interesting photos in the future.

Since a few days, I (not very) frequently visit, which basically is a non-commercial website of co-workers and friends. They share the passion of photography and while surfing on that site, I today got sort of re-addicted to photography, too.

I never was really good in taking pictures, but I always loved it.

So, I grabbed my camera: a FUJIFILM FinePix S6500fd, which I bought about a year ago.

I then decided to buy that one, simply because I wanted a better cam than my old Olympus. And I needed a device, which has high ISO-values and very short tripping time.

This evening, I got inspired by the great pictures, shown at So I took my cam, went upstairs and simply took some shots down the street out of a stairway window (5th floor).

This is, what I got:


Parameters were: 15s, ISO 100, F/8, 25mm

Keep on takin’ pictures, keep on bloggin’