Thomas Gericke
Phone number upon request // Telefonnummer auf Anfrage
I’d like to introduce myself. May I?
I’m kind of a normal German guy, born in 1976, raised in northern Germany, now living in Nuremberg, Bavaria, southern Germany. To make my money, I work hard and most of the time as a leading IT-Specialist since 1998.
In this blog, I do post various articles concerning technology, daily life, photography and more.
I love programming stuff nobody really needs but some people like. My passion is to dig deep into non-trivial problems and solve them – sometimes in an unusual way.
“Most of our fantasies resolve when we wake, vanished
to the back of our mind, but sometimes we’re sure
if we try hard enough – we can live the dream.”
Dr. Meredith Grey
If interested, you may find further information about me on either my homepage (including diary and guestbook), my photoart photo blog, my facebook profile or my photo gallery.
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