Hi there!

Entering Florida StateIt’s been a while, since I last was in the United States. Almost exactly 5 years, to be accurate.

In 2004, a friend of mine, Gernot, and I travelled about 4500 miles through the southeast. We started in Dallas, TX, went down to Clearwater, FL, up through the Blue Ridge Mountains and back to Dallas.

I guess, the most remarkable memory concerning that trip is the fact, we sank our rental car deeply in the swamp of Florida. We had left highway 19, followed a small road, took a turn right onto an even smaller road right into the woods and finally got stuck.

It was funny, even if was no fun at all 🙂

Where we got stuck in the swamp...

This year, I will arrive at Miami International Airport late at night local time on Wednesday, 2009-02-18. I’ll fetch my rental car and the first task will be to look for a Motel. I don’t have definite plans, except that I’m really looking forward to take some breakfasts at various Wafflehouses, that I plan to take lots and lots of pictures and that I wanna make a trip to Key West.

What I prepared so far:

  • I’ve checked my tickets
  • I’ve checked my authorization to travel to the US
  • I’ve washed and dried lots of cloths 🙂
  • I searched and found my US power plug converter
  • I searched and found a huge map of Florida

I will keep you up to date 🙂

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  • Florida – especially Miami – in February! Wow! Wish I could join you. Your list seems pretty good so far but I think you’ll find that in 5 years a lot has changed.

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